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Ebook Or Hard Copy Book

By on July 30, 2009


Once in a while i do get emails from customers saying that they need hard copy book and not the ebook. I told them that usually buyers would download the ebook and print it out and bind it as a book. This not only save time but also the shipping cost. Besides, getting a hard copy book would be much expensive than the softcopy book due to the printing cost. However some don’t mind paying the extra cost as long as they can get the hard copy book.

In some emails i would explain to them that the contents count whether it is an ebook or hard copy book. Here is a testimonial from Philippines i just received yesterday

“Gud day!I already read all of the ebooks and it really is very interesting to read and you can learn plenty of ideas. It has pictures that really helps alot in learnng. I will not go to training school anymore because of your ebook. Thank You Very Much, Sir!”

George L.

Some customers really insist on hard copy and my reply to them was ” Sorry i have only the ebook version and do not have the hard copy book”.



  1. Reynaldo Chua

    July 31, 2009 at 9:54 am

    Sir I think the reason some people prepare to have hard copy cause they cannot afford to buy computer at the same time broadband internet connection is very quite expensive in the philippines. Me also I have bought your ebook and if there is a hard copy it would be really a great help to many beginners and novice technician who could not aford to buy computers.
    Any way thanks for the monthly news letter I hope in the future you could visit the philippines and conduct a seminar I'm sure many would be interested to join. I myself by just reading the question and answer portion in your site I have grasp technique and idea... more power to you sir...

  2. Bill Kesler

    July 31, 2009 at 12:10 pm

    I agree with the fellow from the Phillipines about how good the e-books are, but I hope he will reconsider dropping out of his training school. There is a lot to be said for hands-on training with an experienced instructor; not to mention the contacts made with fellow students and instructors

  3. Waleed

    July 31, 2009 at 3:23 pm

    totally agree with you. for examply I bought the lcd repair ebook from you and I printed the book and everything that came with it. I am holding them as my referrence in my library in my workshop..they are great even they are not hard copy books. I also bought the plasma tv repair books and I am in the process of printing them out.
    to be honest with you, I liked the your ebooks much better than the plasma books. yours is more practical then just presenting information in the plasma books. I thank you for them and looking forward to getting more books from you in the future. God bless you

  4. admin

    July 31, 2009 at 9:38 pm

    Thanks Waleed for the support of my ebook.


  5. admin

    July 31, 2009 at 9:41 pm

    HI bill,
    Yes you are right as hands on practical would be much easier to absorb. However his job is in the offshore and guess he do not have the time to attend such repair course.


  6. admin

    July 31, 2009 at 9:42 pm

    HI Reynaldo,

    Thanks for your sharing!


  7. beh

    July 31, 2009 at 10:12 pm


    no do not give up to hard paper copy. why? because e book is cheaper
    and fast to recieve. if you want to make paper copy each book will cost for user at least 100 usd . i just pay 45 usd i got at least 20 books. when i was in kl i bought a book about 100 usd it was about
    lcd tv full of math and grafs that how electrons are coming to monitors and how we can count the electrons inside the wires that is not useful for repairer. such as me. i printed all your books they are in clasors ready to study.
    i aslo bought lcd tv e books from mr kent. i recommend him to put
    some notes by his own on the books and put some his own experince to make bookes more attractive i down load most of them on cd for futur refrences
    i have best wishes for you both


  8. admin

    August 1, 2009 at 9:02 pm

    Hi Beh,

    Thanks for your sharing and the support of my ebook too.


  9. naresh

    December 31, 2010 at 4:30 am

    hi sir
    I want to the price of these books in Indian rupees. Please sent to my mail

    Thank you sir

  10. admin

    December 31, 2010 at 11:20 am

    HI Naresh,

    I suggest that you visit this website link for latest exchange rate:


  11. Ammadey

    March 19, 2011 at 9:26 am

    Hi jestine, i would like thank you for sharing yor ideas, and i would like to ask you that where can i buy your testing electronic components book, or is it available in singapore? could you please help to get this book, when i find your site i am very thirsty to buy this book.

    Thank you jestine

  12. admin

    March 20, 2011 at 10:58 am

    HI Armadey,

    I have replied to your email-please check.


  13. jojogreg

    July 1, 2012 at 7:10 am

    hi jestine,i wish i could have this ebook  on smps but my problem is i don't have paypal account to buy this ebook smps troubleshooting and repair.can you guide me  on what i'm going to do avail this ebook?i really love this repair guide..

    • Jestine Yong

      July 2, 2012 at 3:46 am

      Hi Jojo,

      I have sent an email to you.



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