Electronic Repair Vision
When you are in love with your job there will be somehow a lot of visions that can come out from you. Vision to:
- Expand your business/office/staff
- Bring your bussiness to another level
- Provide a better service for your clients
- Get promoted from your current job
- Get more sophisticate test equipment for the repair work
- Etc
Many years ago I once had a vision of having a big truck travelling the city to perform the repair work for clients. This means if I get an equipment from a customer place I will perform the repair work inside the truck. The truck is fully equipped with test equipments, parts and ect. This will save time of bringing the equipment back to my workshop and at the same time it can provides good service to my clients. Of course there are some disadvantages like how to perform the repair work when the truck is moving, possibilities of not having the right parts and etc. Not only that the truck can act as a place where you can collect junk equipment and sell it to recycle company. These are all income. Note this is just a vision.
I had a book that talks about achieving your dreams/visions. The author says whenever you have an idea or vision, please do not criticize it. Think of how you can improve or shape that idea and if that idea really can't work then only you discard it. It perfectly make sense as all good invention comes from having an idea first. If you have any dream or vision that you want to share in this blog, we would like to hear from you.

Gopal Sharma
November 6, 2012 at 8:35 pm
I like your vision, but repairer should be expert to repair on site.
Jestine Yong
November 6, 2012 at 9:26 pm
Hi Gopal,
Repair on site is good but it depends on whether the owner will allow it or not. You may have to bring over an isolation transformer, tools, parts etc to their house and if customer looking at you, you may have some stress. If you replace only few caps the owner may pay half of what you demand. They thought it was an easy job.
November 6, 2012 at 9:21 pm
dear jestine
thanks for ur newsletters.it helps me very much to repairs.jestin im working in a repair company but its very far and two and half hours to go.so i think to rent out a shop and do my own repair shop.but in the moment i dont have any customers.so im little bit confused to it .please help me.is it a good idea to do my own shop with out job.pls reply me as soon as u can
thank you
Jestine Yong
November 6, 2012 at 9:28 pm
Hi Dicksky,
Always start from home first till your customer base is big then only move to a bigger place. The rental can kill any business. Make sure you have enough customer before thinking of renting a shopl ot unless you have the extra cash.
November 8, 2012 at 9:04 am
Hi Jestine,
I cannot help but marvel at the striking similarity of your vision to mine. When I started out 5 years ago, I thought of using a tricycle as a mobile workshop. This will monopolize the repair work. Clients love it when you work on site. Besides my charges are the cheapest. Yeah thats what I imagined. Don't say I was selfish. Alright I was. Of course I didn't realise all the logistics involved at that time. I was only an apprentice looking to break into a tough market.
Now in my present vision I imagine buying all your ebooks. Then I would be the best tech in town. Just a vision.
Jestine Yong
November 8, 2012 at 8:34 pm
Hi Joseph,
Hah! both of us have the same vision. Well this is a good sign you can become a successful repairer. Thanks for the support of getting my ebooks.
November 9, 2012 at 12:53 am
Hi Jestine,
Same situation i have in my passion of repair but it is stressful on site repair when you have customer watching over you doing a repair.Questioning your work and charges.Still dreaming to have my own repair shop.
Jestine Yong
November 9, 2012 at 6:43 am
HI Jojo,
Take one step at a time. The season will come if you work hard.