LED Torch Light Repaired

This LED torch light YAGE Model YG-3504 1001 was brought to me and the complaint was it was not illuminating at all.
First thing done was to disassemble the torch light, only a few screws were taken out.
As you can see the electronic circuit was very simple, but there was a query: a burnt-out resistor.
Thanks God a co-worker owned a similar torch light and by comparing it I could get the color code of this resistor: orange- orange- brown – green which was 330Ω± 0.5%.
The replacement resistor was soldered in the PCB and take a look at the result below:
The LED torch light was brought back to life, the owner was very happy and of course: mission accomplished.
This article was prepared for you by Humberto Rodriguez, one of our ‘Master Authors’ from Cuba.
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Bulent NUR
November 5, 2016 at 7:20 pm
Simple repair good job!