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Solar Renewable Energy Installation
By Jestine Yong on October 3, 2013

I am happy that my solar system is now connected to Tenaga Nasional Berhad (local electricity company) and already starting to export electricity to Tenaga Nasional since 9 July. This is shown by the no. of electricity units recorded by the TNB installed Renewable Energy meter. Heck, I get very excited every day returning home from office, I will read this meter first. I expect to get RM350 paid by TNB direct to my bank account at the end of next month. TNB pays PV owners RM1.3708 per unit, consumers have to pay TNB about 27sen/unit for the first 300 units consumed.
Note: RM1.00 is about USD0.30 and PV means PhotoVoltaics.
Why you should consider investing in a PV system:
1. If your bills average to about RM250 ~ 300 per month, you could end up having your TNB bill financed by your solar system, with money to spare.
2. It gives guaranteed income for the owner for the next 21 years. This is through the Renewable Energy Power Purchasing Agreement (REPPA)signed by the owner and TNB.
3. The owner could be cushioned from future electricity rates increase, as your system generates electricity that TNB is obliged to pay you at the contracted rate.
4. The system has zero moving parts and is designed for 25 years service. Maintenance is mainly keeping the panels free from dirt (once a year) and generally ensure the system is functioning.
The cost of my installation is RM35,000. It would vary with the individual house total electrical consumption. Also depends on how many panels can be installed. In my case, the service provider could only find space for 10 panels on my roof. I had 80% of the cost financed, I had worked out that the system will pay back 8 years from now. Take a look at the pictures of Solar PV installation at Presint 18, Putrajaya Malaysia.
The article is contributed by Junaidi and he is one of my ERG members from Malaysia.

October 3, 2013 at 7:23 pm
Thanks for the article, Junaidi. That is very good advice and earth friendly. You have a very beautiful house!!
October 3, 2013 at 10:43 pm
Thanks, Robert. At home, I sort my household waste, turn vegetables/fruits cuttings into compost. My next project is to install a Rainwater Harvesting System. I will finance this with the income from the solar electricity Feed-In Tariff system.
Waleed Rishmawi
October 4, 2013 at 4:30 pm
in my country now they are suggesting the same thing. with this system I can provide the electricty for my own house and the left over can be bought by our electrical company. the main problem with that they are asking for a lot of money to buy and install the system. may be it will get cheaper in the future.
October 5, 2013 at 3:16 pm
thanx ur article junaide and what a good idea.y dont u try to build a bio gas plant.and junaide tell me what r the batterys u r using to solar.
October 6, 2013 at 9:03 pm
Hello Dicksy. You are welcome. Biogas plant? I don't keep cows
No batteries, this is a grid-connected system.
December 23, 2013 at 9:51 pm
Followed the pv thread from lowyat and finally to tgis site. Can share more regarding your housing neighborhood pictures?. The house looks so nice. What 'taman' is this?
February 7, 2015 at 4:24 am
Please junaidi pick up my mail ..I would like to have a serious conversation with you, i have a lot of questions that need to be answered
April 23, 2017 at 7:13 am
In 2009 we installed 8 PVR panels and 2 Hot water panels.Our power bill dropped by 80 percent. Today we pay 40 percent of the bill, this is due to increase in line fees, and other charges, we also receive Government Senior rebate, so the normal rate for power by line has risen.