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Street Fighter II Arcade Machine Repair

By on October 8, 2022
Street fighter II arcade machine

This repair is about a Street fighter II arcade machine I bought at a yard sale.

street fighter 2 machine repair

how to repair arcade machine

The Monitor was white when I powered it up. First thing I did was take the PCB out of the cabinet and check over it.

arcade pcb board repair

I noticed that the edge connector needed a clean. So I cleaned the edge connector and sprayed the socket with Deoxit.

I reassemble and tested it.

fixing street fighter arcade game

I found out that 6 buttons for each player are needed for this game and this only had 3 buttons per player.

3 buttons per player

I did some research and found that The Kick harness is missing so I ordered one from e-bay.

The Kick harness

Turned out to be the wrong one. So I found some documentation pertaining to this SFII pcb.

sfii pcb repair

So I decided to make my own version of a Kick harness.

A friend gave me two of these DB9 breakout boards. So went work and made my Kick harness.

Kick harness

Next thing to do is make a new control panel.

making your own control panel

I have a friend who has a milling machine to drill some more holes in the panel . I forgot to take photo of after. I also installed all new button’s in the refurbished panel.

refurbished panel

I rewired the control panel and connected the kick harness. The multi coloured cable is the kick harness. Also drilled holes for the player buttons.

player buttons arcade game

I got some original graphics printed for the marque and surrounding the monitor.

lee davey repair arcade game

This article was contributed by Lee Davey from Hobart Tasmania Australia. He has been doing repairs on electronics and PC’s for around 30 years.

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Note: You can read his previous article on Homemaker Electric Throw Rug Repair



  1. Tayo

    October 8, 2022 at 8:03 am

    Very cool restoration Lee. I would have taken of look at that that PCB and put it right back! Looks like something straight out of Sputnik 1! Thankfully you didn't get intimidated (or at least you didn't let it stop you) and you brought this wonderful arcade back to life. May it give you and future players many more years of JOY.

  2. Mark

    October 8, 2022 at 8:41 am

    Well done Lee! Are you coping the rain like we are in NSW?

    • Lee

      October 9, 2022 at 9:43 am

      Not as much as you are mark.

  3. Parasuraman S

    October 8, 2022 at 8:59 am

    Vow! That was a never giving up effort and congratulations on your success! It is definitely inspirational and appreciable! Very innovative tricks applied with professional perfection! Hat's off!

  4. Waleed Rishmawi

    October 8, 2022 at 1:37 pm

    good job on the repair. that is worth the fixing. have a blessed day

  5. Yogesh Panchal

    October 8, 2022 at 3:16 pm

    Good JOB!Lee

  6. Albert van Bemmelen

    October 8, 2022 at 4:38 pm

    Great job Lee! I always liked the idea to become an Arcade repair engineer myself, but those jobs never became available. Playing games is what got me into computers after radio got me started in electronics. But nowadays I only fix and collect older home computers since they do not take up so much of my living space.

  7. Mathew Charles karonga

    October 9, 2022 at 11:52 pm

    Congratulations on your accomplishment.

    Well done and thinks for sharing.


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