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All posts tagged "video"

  • understand impedance
    Video: Understanding Impedance

                  This video was recommended by Lee Davey which talk about understanding electrical impedance. Kindly check it out. Likes(13)Dislikes(0)

    • Posted June 18, 2015
    • 4
  • lcd tv repair video
    Video: Two LCD TV Repair Videos By Dave Maltz

              My good repair friend Dave Maltz from USA came out with two videos that is related to LCD TV Repair. One is about “Generic Inverter board replacement and warning” and the other...

    • Posted July 10, 2014
    • 1
  • jovy systems
    Video: New RE-7550 BGA Rework Station

                    Hope you will enjoy this video about the latest BGA Rework station by Jovy Systems. More info about this and other BGA machine can be found in their facebook...

    • Posted May 3, 2014
    • 8
  • Video: How to Simultaneously Measure Voltage/Current with a CP62 Current Clamp Probe

        Check out the video provided by BK Precision about “How to Simultaneously Measure Voltage/Current with a CP62 Current Clamp Probe”.   Likes(6)Dislikes(0)

    • Posted November 23, 2013
    • 0
