Wow! Already Hit 10,000 ERG Members!
I just checked from my email service provider and found that there are currently 10,001 visitors have subscribed to my websites to become ERG members. I started to build my website back in the year of November 2006 and officially launched it on 10th of February 2007. Its only one year and eight months old and have already got so many members-thank you for your support!
For those who have not sign up free to become the ERG member, please do so by clicking here because every month (first week of the month) i will send out good electronic repair article for you. I will update the subscription page soon by putting instead of 9327 ERG member to over 10,000 members. This coming October repair newsletter is going to be another exciting article especially for those who love to build test equipment for electronic repair work. Don’t miss out this great opportunity-Click HERE to subscribe now for Free!

September 26, 2008 at 4:13 pm
Hi Jestine,
Congratulations on this milestone (10000+). Anyway, I have been a frequent visitor to your website and I must tell you that I have learned so much in as far as learning the basics of component testing. I also appreciate your monthly newsletter not only for technical articles but more important is the fact that every now and then you keep us motivated in this field with your words of wisdom.
Your website has been a blessing since it has given me the will to further develop my knowledge in electronics and to enable me to make a decision on my future career.
I am about to open up a small repair shop most likely early next month and hope that I will be able to purchase your ebooks when I am financially able to.
My country (Kiribati) is so remote with international flights from Fiji coming in twice a week. I envy your country where you can drive into the city shopping for electronic goods and spare parts as such a facility in my country does not exist. The major problem I am facing is the availability of spare parts to replace a defective part as soon as possible. In addition, credit facilities such as credit cards for purchasing goods online is not available in my country which make life harder. I hope to come up with a solution soon.
Very much appreciate your support and God bless you.
September 26, 2008 at 9:51 pm
Wow Buraing! Thanks for your great testimonial! May God bless you and family too!