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Australian woman electrocuted by USB charger
By Jestine Yong on July 7, 2014

One of my ERG members sent to me a link about an Australian woman got electrocuted by USB charger. Cheap and low quality chargers already flooded the market and in the future if you want to get a charger make sure that it is original. Please click on the photo below to read the news:

July 8, 2014 at 6:58 am
That's pretty sad that some people are so greedy that they don't care who they harm. I hope the manufacturer is sued to the fullest extent of the law and hopefully put out of business.
July 26, 2015 at 3:44 am
Don't they have good working earth leakage circuit breakers in Australia I wonder after reading this terrible message?
Besides all USB Chargers from China are Cheap! How are we to know what the bad Manufactured ones are? Mine are 5V 2A and have their technical data written on an adhesive label sticker that easily let's go. And that in itself looks pretty cheap if not prohibited? And they al cost only about 3 dollar/euro or less. Plastics that are kind of burn proof against flames have Bromium or stuff like this inside. And it is unhealthy when it burns and gets inhaled. I guess the cheaper ones just melt?
July 26, 2015 at 2:24 pm
Of course these USB chargers do not have any earth wire connections, so that's probably why they are, like every SMPS/Laptop supply without earth wire connection is potentially Dangerous Lethal to begin with?! The Desktop PCs are earth wire connected normally (although not all living homes in my Country have Earth wire Wall sockets/outlets, only the new build ones, because of new regulations).