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Blown Up Projecta Battery Charger Repaired

By on January 12, 2025
Blown Up Projecta Battery Charger Repaired

projecta battery charger repaired

A new customer was using a Projecta 2500W battery charger to keep his caravan batteries charged. Recently, he heard a loud bang from the unit and it stopped working.

burnt resistor

He pulled off the covers to inspect the damage and found a blown resistor. At this point he decided to bring it to me, in its disassembled state.

battery charger fixed

As I examined the resistor, I searched the internet for a schematic – however, none could be found. This resistor, although not burned beyond recognition, could not be identified by its band colours. I even tried to join the 2 halves in the hope that I would get some sort of readings – no such luck!

Why did this resistor blow? I checked all the usual suspects – the fuse, varistor, bridge rectifier, chopping Mosfet and anything else associated with the protection circuit. All were in good condition. I had to look further.

I looked at the components after the main filter capacitor. At this point I noticed a burn mark on the main heat sink.

how to repair battery charger

I had a closer examination of the parts nearby. A diode was a suspect, with some strange readings on the board. After removal and testing on the bench, however, the diode proved to be perfectly fine. I had a closer look.

I did some testing on an IC, (VIPER22A SMPS primary switcher). This was definitely faulty, with shorts right across the entire chip. But what caused this to fail? I had a closer look.

viper22a ic

A nearby capacitor had glue or electrolyte that had leaked. This in turn, had become conductive over time. It had leached over to the IC, which, in turn had failed due to internal shorts across the pins. I now believe the chain of events were as follows.

Over time, the glue had leaked over to the IC. At that point, due to the fact that it was conductive, it had shorted the IC. The resistor that had blown up originally was a protection resistor, which was sacrificed.

battery charger fixing

After removal of the IC, the damage could be clearly seen.

The capacitor was removed from the board and tested with a Blue ESR meter. Rather than being within the 3Ω range, (400Volt 10uF Capacitor), it read up to 29Ω!

blue esr meter

The diode that I originally thought had shorted, was removed and tested.

diode problem

When removed, I could see that the glue from the capacitor had reached only one side and therefore had not damaged the diode.

diode faulty

Still, I had the problem of the resistor that had blown. I had no indication of its value via reading the bands. It would not connect when joined to get some resistance readings and there was no schematic to examine.

Although I had an idea, I reached out to Jestine Yong for some advice. After providing a rough back-engineered diagram (sorry it’s not built to scale or painted…😉), Jestine agreed that this was a protection resistor and probably 0.1 Ω to 1 Ω or 1 Ohm plus. I checked what was available for a reasonable cost within the 3-Watt range. I decided that a 1.2Ω resistor could be used. This proved to be fine.

low ohm resistor value

After all the damaged components were replaced, it was time to test the unit. I used my isolation transformer as well as a 100-Watt globe in series. As you would expect of a Switch Mode Power Supply, the moment the power was turned on, the globe lit dully for a second and then went out.

series light bulb trick

After testing the output of the charger, all the features and modes, I connected it to a battery. It completed the charge and the cut off voltage was reached (13.7 Volts).

how to fix a broken battery charger

how to fix a broken battery charger

Further monitoring of the operation of the charger showed that it was now in the ‘float’ stage (0.8 Amps in photo) and would continue to top up the battery as it naturally drained.

how to repair and fix a broken projecta battery charger

I was now able to hand the charger back to the happy customer. He was so pleased with the repair I did, that he has got me to do automotive repairs as well.

If you are interested in this repair, you can see a video on my channel following the link below:

mark rabone

This article was prepared for you by Mark Rabone from Australia.

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Note: You can check out his previous repair article on Roborock H6 Handheld Vacuum Cleaner Burning Hot



  1. Parasuraman S

    January 12, 2025 at 6:14 pm

    Excellent fix and a descriptive article covering all the relevant points which are very essential. Glad to see another valuable article coming from you, Mark! Many thanks for sharing!

    • Mark

      January 13, 2025 at 6:25 am

      Thanks Parasuraman,
      I'm sure there was a better way to discover the value of the resistor, but with Jestine's help, I got it up and running.

      • Parasuraman S

        January 13, 2025 at 1:15 pm

        He is a genius when it comes to electronics and lucky are those who get trained by him. It is a long cherished unfulfilled wish that I could take a course under his expert teaching!

  2. Waleed Rishmawi

    January 12, 2025 at 7:09 pm

    Loved the article in its details and part descriptions, thanks for sharing. Good job on the repair and also a job well done in knowing the value of the resister (jestine) have a blessed day

  3. Albert van Bemmelen

    January 12, 2025 at 8:09 pm

    Nice job and good article Mark!
    Looks much like those blown low power standby IC's used in wash machines and tumble dryers that have a LNK304-306 chip in the primary AC circuit.

    • Mark

      January 14, 2025 at 6:32 am

      Thanks Albert

  4. Yogesh Panchal

    January 12, 2025 at 11:46 pm

    Good JOB! Mark
    Resistor connected to AC input line without Fuse Confirm the protection Resistor.

    • Mark

      January 14, 2025 at 6:33 am

      Thanks Yogesh

  5. Imoudu.O

    January 13, 2025 at 5:45 am

    Going by the voltage and ampere marked on the device, do you think device is up to 2500 wattage? Well, you got it repaired and customer was happy.

    • Mark

      January 14, 2025 at 6:35 am

      It has been working in his caravan charging 2 batteries for the past 3 months, so I believe that it is doing its job.

  6. Mark

    January 13, 2025 at 6:27 am

    Thanks Waleed,
    It's great to have others with greater experience help out with a repair.

  7. Chesta

    January 13, 2025 at 4:21 pm

    Thanks Mark for this charger repair.
    I have a AEG lithium battery charger that has failed, I wonder which state you are in?

  8. Mark J

    January 14, 2025 at 3:48 am

    Good article thanks for sharing.

  9. Mark

    January 14, 2025 at 6:36 am

    I'm in NSW

  10. Natarajan

    January 18, 2025 at 7:09 am

    Mr.Mark Thanks for sharing your experience in solving the issue step by step..
    I really appreciate your presentation. Expecting more articles from you.


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