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Samsung LED computer monitor repaired. Model: S22A100N

By on June 1, 2014









This monitor was brought to my shop for repairby a friend of mine. He is also a computer technician. He has a store nearby for selling and repairing computers.

This computer monitor has an external power supply and found to be in good working order. The computer monitor was the faulty part. Let us open it and find out what is wrong with it.

led monitor repair

It is 22 inches computer monitor and it was completely dead. There were no screws on it. A flat screw driver was used to open it.

led monitor repairs

I was really shocked when I opened this LED monitor because the only thing I saw was this board. As you can see I already started to find the faulty parts. It was this Power management IC. The Part number is D9329

led monitor repairing

This power IC chip takes the power from the external power supply and it goes directly to pin two. When I checked the power on that pin, there was no reading. I was thinking of a bad fuse because I did not get any reading on that power IC. I checked the fuse and it was intact.


I checked for voltage reading at the main power socket, there was no reading either. I soldered this power IC off the board and the moment I did that and checked for voltage reading at pin two, there was 14 volts reading there. This is an indication of a shorted power IC.

led monitorrepair

This is a closer look at the location of this power IC on that board.

led monitorrepairs

This is an SMD power IC and when I checked with my meter, I found a dead shorted between pin 3 and 2. Pin 3 is power switch output and pin 2 is the power input. That explains why I was not getting any voltage reading on the power IC itself or on the power socket on that board.

It took me a while to find such IC but finally I got it. And I when I replaced it, the LED computermonitor was restored back to life. Sorry I forget to take a picture of it.

I called the customer to come and pick it up. He came and brought me other things to fix. He was happy and I so was I. mission accomplished.





This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.


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  1. jorge

    November 6, 2015 at 5:08 am

    Hi, how are you .
    I have a
    TV vizio medelo E322AR my problem is that the voltage of 12 volts is under have only 3.7 volts in the power supply. I'm trying to isolate the fault to know if the power supply or the processing Blast.

    I wonder if there is some method to do eso.yo I'm looking for a way Blast disconnecting the mother but not working.

    television has 2 ic d9329 and are the installation in the Blast mother.

    the power supply voltages out 2 12-volt one is for system lamps which have 11.5 volts.

    They are two transformer taps one for the lamps and one for the Blast mother.

    the other branch is 12 volts to power the Blast mother is the one I have fallen 3.7 volts.

    any idea of whether it is the source or Blast mother.

    Thank you

  2. ABID

    December 31, 2015 at 10:23 pm

    I seek the circuit equivalent integrated circuit D9329

  3. Kaushik

    March 24, 2021 at 11:32 am

    Same monitor same problem, i need that ic too.


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