Multiple Problems Solved In This Marantz Integrated Amplifier Model PM-75

This set was brought to me by a regular customer reporting that it suddenly stopped working and no control in the front panel worked. After my usual practice of opening and cleaning inside thoroughly, I brought it to my service table, struggling a bit because of its heavy weight. I feared that my low back pain would return! Little did I realize that the set was so heavy! But luckily nothing happened!
The customer had provided me the circuit diagram and the trouble shooting therefore was easy to some extent. I checked for the voltages present and did not find anything wrong. My focus turned on to the Protection and Power On IC, TA7317.
In order for us to check the bottom side of the PCB, we need to take it out, as there was no detachable bottom cover to view it from behind. As mentioned by me in my previous articles on service of Marantz, I dislike its crude design and inter connections making it extremely difficult for service. I released the wire connections from its cable ties and somehow managed to keep the board inverted.
I noticed that the set was serviced before and some crude modifications done perhaps to match with the original design (pun intended!). The relay was not its original. A 24V relay was fixed with a power dropping transistor circuit to reduce the voltage from 60V to 24V. Anyhow, the person who did it might be a real expert as he knew what to do. I noticed that he has input the 60V to a transistor (TIP122) through a resistor (it was covered with a heat shrink sleeve) and used another resistor and a 24V Zener to enable the drop and handle the current flow when the relay starts its operation. Let us have a look at these:
I checked the voltages at the pins of TA7317 as given in the circuit diagram, which was slightly different. In the circuit diagram, pin three is not shown as grounded. But in the set pins 3 & 4 were grounded. Let us have a look at the circuit diagram:
I checked the voltages and found it to be different, indicating that there indeed was a problem somewhere in the amplifier side. I tracked the pin 1 & 2, which were getting the voltage feedback. I detected one leaky transistor; 2SA970 in the amplifier pre-stage. I replaced it.
Now the voltages at pin and 2 were normal (-0.65 & -0.66). But even then the relay did not get on. I checked the voltages at the speaker outputs to make doubly sure and found these to be quite normal. No DC voltages were present. Let me give you an idea of what the reading was at this stage:
As you will notice, the pin 8 showed zero voltage, whereas it should have been 1.26. Pin 8 gets a voltage through a 220K resistor from pin 9, which was the VCC. So, if the IC works fined with all other input sensing ok, there should have been a voltage of 1.26. I tried replacing the resistors and capacitors around the IC, which could cause problems. But nothing worked. The conclusion was either the IC had gone bad or some other components down the line were defective. I combed the entire board, sometimes removing one leg of it to make sure that there was nothing else that could trigger a fault. Ultimately, I decided to replace the IC, which I had two numbers in stock. I replaced it and found that the voltages at pins were odd! It never matched with the original IC and even the voltages at pin 1 & 2 were missing! I knew immediately that this was yet another case of fake ICs. Even though another one that I had was also of the same batch, I tried that also with the same results. Luckily, these fake ICs did not cause blow up of working components. I communicated this to the customer, who was good enough to get in touch with his friends and he located the original IC in Mumbai. The price was almost 20 times more than the market price for this, but he had no other go except to get that as the supplier was known to be very genuine. He got the parcel a few days later and brought it to me. As I was busy with other works in the meantime, I could take up the Amp for trying out the replacement IC only later. Luckily, this time, the relay got on and the Amp started working. I took the readings for keeping a record and was amazed at the differences from that of the circuit diagram of the company!
I just could not understand why it was so! When I tried the amp giving audio input and connecting speakers, I noticed that the output was very, very low. It had no power at all! Moreover, the weak output was present even if other inputs like Phono, Aux1, Aux2, Tuner or Tape were pressed. The bass, treble and balance control also did not work, though the master volume control was ok. As I had already checked the voltages in the set, I did not pay any attention to that and tried to trace the signal at the input level. The signals were very weak, upon which I checked the voltages at the input board and found that +17.5V was missing! Then returned my attention to the original supply point and noticed that there was an Op-Amp, 2068DD which perhaps serves as a current controller. (I expect our expert readers would throw some light on its use here) Let us have a look at the circuit:
I checked all the components in the positive side and found that Q801 was getting 24V at its collector, but instead of 17.5V in the emitter, only around 8V was present. Pin 8 of the Op-Amp also was showing zero. Then I checked R817, which was a 0.22 Ohms resistor in the set and found it to be open. I suspected that some load has blown this resistor and wanted to check that all were ok, before replacing the Op-Amp. I removed the Op-Amp and fixed an 8 pin socket in its place. Then removed Q801, Q803, Q805 & Q807 and checked these in my transistor checker and found all of them were good. Checked all the components around and did not find any defects. So, put the transistors back.
Then replaced the Op-Amp with 4558 (I did not want to put the 2068DD suspecting it to be defective) as both were identical, and before powering on, I removed the jumper wire of positive rail that goes to Pre-Amp stage and the connectors to Front Panel and Input Boards. When I checked the voltage, it was showing 17.5V and I put the connectors back one by one, watching for any voltage drop and finally connected the jumper wire also. The voltage was steady. This time, the Amp worked very well and output was very powerful. The selector switches, bass & treble as well as balance controls all worked perfectly well. I am giving below the pictures of the defective TA7317 and that of the Op-Amps.
I fed audio signal and checked the output wave forms in both the channel and found these to be even:
I tried the Amp for several hours before fixing the board back and putting the top cover. It was giving an awesome sound output and I enjoyed the songs, as a part of fringe benefits for a technician. Thus a marathon service work came to an end with positive results giving happiness both to the customer and the technician. These types of service work are very thrilling and I enjoyed every bit of the challenges thrown. Mission accomplished very well, rather a war was won, with intense satisfaction swallowed by the collection bag without waiting for any approval!
This article was prepared for you by Parasuraman Subramanian from India. He is 74 years old and has more than 30 years’ experience in handling antique equipment like Valve Radio, Amps, Reel Tape Recorders and currently studying latest tech-classes conducted by Kerala State Electronics Technicians’ Association. He has done graduation in BBA degree, private diploma in Radio Engineering and retired as MD of a USA company. Presently working as Consultant to Hospital and other institutions.
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You may check on his previous article on Yes, It Is The 32.768 Crystal That Fails, Confirmed In this LG AC Remote

Waleed Rishmawi
January 12, 2025 at 7:31 pm
Thank you for the detailed repair process. I worked on amps before but they are not my favorite devices for repair. Good job on the repair success and be blessed today
Parasuraman S
January 13, 2025 at 1:07 pm
Many thanks, dear friend for your encouraging comments!
January 13, 2025 at 5:09 pm
Hi sir.i've leaned you are very good tech as I read most of your articles.can you help me to turn the screen of of sumsung TV 32 inches which is upside down after changing screen. Plz I need a code to solve this problem
Parasuraman S
January 14, 2025 at 12:28 am
If you have the original TV remote, just search for going to service mode using the remote and follow settings. Each TV is different and any general suggestion would not help. Moreover, the model number is not specified by you. So, my remote help is limited!
January 14, 2025 at 6:35 pm
So amazing, the zeal with which you you do your undertaking leave me admiring.l shall document my vintage a Sony radio .
Parasuraman S
January 15, 2025 at 4:17 pm
Many, many thanks, dear Kageni! Eagerly look forward to your article!
Albert van Bemmelen
January 12, 2025 at 8:34 pm
Good to know that 4558 and 2066DD are pincompatible and identical in function Parasuraman! This dual opamp is also shortcircuit protected. And the internal frequency Unity-Gain Bandwidth of 3 MHz Typ
compensation ensures stability without external components.
Maybe you should first ask next time for the weight of any device before doing any such new repair to prevent new back problems? Luckily most modern tv's are much lighter now than the old previous glass and heavy metal containing sets.
Parasuraman S
January 13, 2025 at 1:08 pm
Many thanks for your expert comments and suggestions and also for your concern about my health, dear Albert!
Yogesh Panchal
January 13, 2025 at 12:07 am
Good job! Sir
vary elaborated article, which encourage us to take more knowledge and fulfill our curiosity of fault finding.
Parasuraman S
January 13, 2025 at 1:09 pm
Many thanks, dear Yogesh Bai!
Mark J
January 13, 2025 at 1:28 am
Parasuraman anther great article. I always enjoy your amp and tape deck repair articles.
Parasuraman S
January 13, 2025 at 1:10 pm
Many thanks, dear Mark!
Robert R Spoon
January 13, 2025 at 3:02 am
As always ,your analysis is very interesting to read, great job!
Parasuraman S
January 13, 2025 at 1:10 pm
Many thanks for your encouragement!
Peter van Beveren
January 13, 2025 at 3:03 am
your detective work displayed is impressive, and aids greatly in my inexpert electronic repairs to date.
Parasuraman S
January 13, 2025 at 1:11 pm
Many thanks for your encouraging words of appreciation! Happy to note that the articles do help you!
Albert van Bemmelen
January 13, 2025 at 5:12 am
Oops: the 2068DD of course.
Parasuraman S
January 13, 2025 at 1:12 pm
Yah! Noted!
January 13, 2025 at 7:21 am
The Master at work!
Parasuraman S
January 13, 2025 at 1:12 pm
And that comment comes from a grand master!
January 13, 2025 at 2:56 pm
Great work sir.Keep up the spirit.You are an inspiration for more people to come to this field.
Parasuraman S
January 13, 2025 at 4:41 pm
Many thanks for your keen appreciation and encouragement!
Tito Kanshulu
January 18, 2025 at 12:45 pm
A detailed explanation from the field. Keep up the good work Mr. Parasuraman.
Parasuraman S
January 19, 2025 at 12:15 am
Many thanks!
R Lamparter
January 25, 2025 at 11:18 pm
I'm always in awe of your repair skills.