Rechargeable Battery Problem In Mosquito Killer Racket

My neighbor has given me this racket for not working problem.
On diagnosis I found there is no LED Light indication while pressing the button & No high current arching on the net while touched with screw driver. So for further inspection I have opened the racket. No physical damage found.
First I have checked Battery voltage.
I found 1.6V on the Battery that is out of the range Normal range should be 3V to 4.2V. I am having one 4V battery which I am using for testing purpose. On Testing my 4v Battery it shows 4.2V that is in normal range.
I have removed old battery and connected my battery for testing. Now I have pressed button. Now indicator lamp is light up and touching the metal net with screwdriver I heard loud bang noise with spark that means problem is with old battery. New battery is not available with me right now so temporary I have connected my Battery and tested for few sparks and again I have put the racket on charging and tested again after few hours it works fine.
So I have ordered a new battery till it comes I have given him my battery fitted racket for use because we have mosquito bombarding in evening time I think this is good option rather burning chemicals which are injurious to our health also .
This article was prepared for you by Yogesh Panchal who works as a Computer Hardware Engineer in Mumbai India.
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Note: You can check his previous repair articles in the link below:

Parasuraman S
January 28, 2021 at 1:02 pm
Yes, you saved everyone around from getting mosquito borne infections! Good Job!
Albert van Bemmelen
January 28, 2021 at 2:20 pm
Indeed insecticides are never good for our environment !
In China they discovered that having a pond or a pool with fish nearby largely reduced the number of musquitos because the fish eat the larvea or also called 'wigglers' in the water before they become musquitos. But having water nearby without having fish obviously means more mosquitos!
A van Bemmelen
January 31, 2021 at 3:03 pm
About Pesticides...they recently discovered a relationship between these and getting the chronic illness Parkinson;s disease!