An Iconia Android tablet brought back to life. Model: Acer A500
A customer bought this used Android tablet but when he tried to power it up, it did not. He explained that when he bought, it was powering on but now for some reason, it was not powering up.
It was easy to pop it open and here is the inside of this Android tablet.
The black part is the battery and I have to take all the marked screws to see what beneath it.
This is a closer look of the board inside this tablet. There are lots of screws and sockets inside. When I was checking the board out, look what I found loose inside.
This is an unclear photo of the power switch that I found inside this Android tablet. That explains why this tablet was not powering up.
After taking the battery out I got to the board that holds the power switch. I had to unplug cables and take more screws out to do that.
These are the cables I had to unplug to get to the board.
More screws to take out in order to get to the board that holds the power switch. It was easy to do and finally I got to the power board and took it out.
As you can see, it is tiny and it goes into a very crowded area. It has three pins for power control and two pin to hold it on board. It was not easy to do but I managed to solder it back on board using a fine point soldering head. The main problem, I could not fit exactly on the same location on board. It was slightly off but it was working fine. The moment I tried to put it back; it did not fit because the switch was too close to the plastic part that pushes on the power button. I had to file that plastic side off so it will fit on. After a careful filing of the plastic tip of the plastic part, I was able to fit it on perfectly. I put everything back and powered up the tablet, this came on.
You can see the lock sign on the screen and once it was unlocked, this came on.
Mission accomplished.
This article was prepared for you by Waleed Rishmawi, one of our ‘Master Authors’ and currently working in the Bethlehem area of Palestine repairing electrical and electronic equipment.
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May 25, 2018 at 5:17 pm
Thanks for nice article, I'm having same problem. A500 designer has done a award winning job, of using such a miniature power switch. My A500 power button is not working. if I put a drop of cleaning alcohol on the switch it works for 1/2 times, after that same problem. I tried finding such a switch but not to avail here in India. As I'm not local to your place, getting service from you could be cost prohibitive. So Im requesting your help/guidance in that matter. Do you know specification of such a small switch /equivalent / substitute I can do.