Should I Check All Components In The Circuit?
Got an interesting question from a fellow member " If I am repairing a circuit board there may be 50 or more components on the board, am I to check each component, until the defective component is located? This can be a very time consuming exercise."
And here is my answer to him-
HI Dominic,
If you do not understand the circuit you may need to check all of them. If you know how the circuit work then you may only check on the necessary section that may only consist of only few components. By the way, checking the whole components for that particular circuit can be good for you because you will understand all of the components characteristic, spec, part number and etc. You will learn a lot by checking them like this. Once you are familiar with the circuit, the next similar type of board arrive in your workplace, you will know what to check and what not to check and this can save you a tremendous amount of time.
karl atienza
July 2, 2011 at 9:14 pm
Here's a tip. This is what I am doing if I have no schematic but there are lots of components on the board. Normally if there's an IC, try to download the datasheet. There you can find the info on the component plus its function. The surrounding components on the IC are needed for its specific operation which sometimes you can find in the datasheet also (see application notes). Using the information on the datasheet, you will have an idea of the function of the circuit. You can even make a block diagram and try to focus only on the suspected area.
Testing all components take a lot of time, effort and money. For a repairer who has a quota everyday, time is gold.
Best regards and good luck!
July 2, 2011 at 10:05 pm
HI Karl,
Thanks for adding your repair tips.
Waleed Rishmawi
July 3, 2011 at 5:26 am
it is not easy at the begining but it will get better and it will become a second nature to you. for me, sometime it is the experience that helps me find the fault. for example. when I get a tv set with a vertical problem, I head directly to the vertical section. I check voltages at the ic, if there is no voltages there, I check the source of the volatage, one of the fly back transfomer..etc. if the fault is not power..I got to the power supply..and so on
Amir Mukhtar
July 6, 2011 at 2:40 am
Interesting and Thinkable question of every repairer, and Answer is also cover the whole question thinking.
Actually, sometimes repairer having feel unsatisfactory condition and doubt about fault found . But, you have covered by an expert opinion.
thanks you
Amir mukhtar
July 6, 2011 at 8:17 am
HI Amir,
Thanks for the comment
July 12, 2012 at 5:40 am
hello, mr, young
i would like to make a smps topology flyback countinous conduction mode.
vo= 13,8
io= 3 A...
can you give me the advise about it.????
Jestine Yong
July 12, 2012 at 9:15 pm
Hi Lian,
Sorry i have no info o this. If you have any repair question you can always email me.